Home » First-Time Home Buyers in Santa Fe, NM

First-Time Home Buyers in Santa Fe, NM

Are first-time home buyers in Santa Fe, NM, happy with the results? You can learn about what’s recommended for a homebuyer, as well as what the minimum requirements for purchase are. Taking the time to do this can help you get ahead of the game, enabling you to make the dream of homeownership come true. Get what you want at long last!

Buy a home you can look forward to calling yours for years to come. Taking the time to pursue these goals with the help of a leading local group of agents will have you feeling more confident. Debts and credit scores should be taken care of before committing to anything; you’ll qualify for better mortgage loans and interest rates the higher your score is.

What can a REALTOR® team tell you if you’re buying for the first time? The minimum score for a mortgage in the area is typically 620. At least $500 of your own money must be used to pay for the property. Likewise, first-time homebuyer counseling is a requirement of these incentive programs. Call today to talk to your agents, getting the pertinent info you require!

  • First-time home buyers in Santa Fe, NM
First-Time Home Buyers in Santa Fe, NM